OMG Trump just said:
"The authority of the President is total."
Tyrant Trump who
👉🏿tells states to get their own supplies.
👉🏿said he's America's "cheerleader."
👉🏿is Dictator Donald Tyrant Trump!
The CNN reporters know Trump is dangerous to democracy!

2376 6941

When I made these images a scant couple of years ago, I had not thought they would still be so very on point. Please be look after each other and stay safe.

1 1

I don't think I have seen a cartoon before that so accurately pictures the attitude of a politician.

4987 11246

Operation Nickelback is in its final phase. Our plan is working! Soon the USA will be a shell of its former self and we will rule the world!

408 1875

Chris Evans gearing up to roast Biff after the

19 135