New Senran Kagura 9th anniversary Shinomas image with Ushimaru & Yuyaki ~

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let's try something different: what's your favourite Senran Kagura pet/mascot? 😊

Murakumo's wolves Kotaro and Kagero 🐺
Misato's tanuki Pontaro 🦝
Murasaki's doll Bebeby 🐻
Ushimaru's cow Ushiwakamaru 🐮

also Luka the doplhin, Ninto the rabbit, Hanzo the elephant and so on 👍

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New Shinomas Loading screen images with Nachi (Feat. Ushimaru) ~

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since I'll be pretty busy today, here's the appreciation for today's Tono Tengu girl: Ushimaru 🐮

now, is she corny? kinda
do I hate her? ABSOLUTELY NOT 😍

the cow theme is predictable, but her design remains very original and she's sooooo cute 🥰

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Ryouta Yakushimaru

This guy is cute af! 😅

Requested by 😊

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New Wedding on the Beach ver. 2020 Shinomas image with Ushimaru ~

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Nueva imagen New Link "Feliz Boda" con Ushimaru 🌺🌺🌺

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Hubba Hubba! Ushimaru's even sexier than ever. I'm even attracted to her too! She should be on as well! 😍😍😍 🐄#Waifuwednesday

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New Luxurious Nightime on the beach card with Ushimaru ~

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アート寄りもサブカル寄りもお邪魔させて頂いたり頂かなかったりでもうUshimaru Saekiとはってなっている。

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