Hello, Westerners. Finally we have signed the translation request for the English, German and Italian editions of VAMPEERZ. Thank you for your support🙇‍♂️

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Omg, parece que tengo mucho que actualizar! No me leído esas, me voy a poner al día de una, yo ahorita andaba bien emocionada leyendo el último cap que salió de Run away with me, girl esta tan bonito! ❤️

También el de las militares Koishin Koinu ni Koibumi wo asdfs y Vampeerz 😍

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Today on Okazu - Vampeerz, Volume 2 (ヴァンピアーズ)

So I’m at the bottom of my to-read pile…and we sure are at the bottom of the pile. ^_^;


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Vampeerz de Akili en la portada de la revista Monthly Sunday GX 2.2020.

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vampeerz! probably the best yuri manga i've read this month

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Today on Okazu - Yuri Manga: Vampeerz, Volume 1 (ヴァンピアーズ)

It actually takes me a moment of tick
And sometimes, it's just more of a trick
But when comes to vampires
I have overwhelming desires
And thus...another review limerick! ^_^


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Vampeerz, My Peer Vampires (English Only).
Link in Bio 👉👉👉

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アキリ ヴァンピアーズ(2): サンデーGXコミックス https://t.co/NXw6cSASu1

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ヴァンピアーズ, Vampeerz, is _not on sale_ since this vampiric yuri manga only came out a short while ago, but it's been getting good reviews.

あさひなぐ, Asahinagu, is on sale, all 30 volumes, it's not exactly yuri but it is a great sports manga about girls and naginatas

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Si te gusta el yuri con vampiras creo que te puede llegar a interesar el manga "Vampeerz, My Peer Vampires" de Higashiyama Show

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NEWS: Volume one of the vampire manga 'Vampeerz' has been released in Japan

The manga follows the romance between a 14-year-old girl, Ichika, and the strange and beautiful vampire Aria.


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