"whh;a t if th,e y greww o ld tog;ether nghh,; and h hheld hwands" image set

54 110

My brain: plz don't do it.
My hands: already done it.

(It's DARLING in the FRANXX, but VKaz...apologize to my dear mutuals who have to suffer from my weird stuff.)

4 35

familiar feeling 👥

50 193

I'm still fond of this one. From 2016

2 3

vkaz chose different fate

13 57

i didn't have anything ready for kaz's deathversary but i found this questionable piece on my usb drive. you can have it.

52 109


Like❤️Please use when once is not enough

35 94

you played my heart like a damn fiddle <3 happy valentines day!

38 70

late last lights

it's hours all hours of the damn day

14 35

vkaz // ismael &ahab

39 110

something about betting on losing (diamond) dogs

42 110

セバジョセ( joseb)本とヴェノカズ(vkaz)本をBOOTHで通販受付です。あんしんBOOTHパックにて発送させて頂きます。ご興味ある方はどうぞよろしくお願いいたします!🥰取扱い在庫一覧はリプ欄で。
※for International shipping is also available!

13 35

vkaz riding on cryptobiosis

24 61


26 68

vkaz curry and rice🍛

16 48


21 79

This may or may not be related to my previous slapdash drawing. Hypothetically speaking. Apparently I have to revisit Costa Rica to get a really good plunge into the deep dark hell of vkaz... x)

8 18

"Distraction Tactics". The road to VKaz hell is paved with... with... uhh... memories of Costa Rica?? For ! Busted out the ol' palette and everything. :D

17 46