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Twitter - @WASPI_2018, #waspicampaign2018 to posts and get your message across.
Facebook - https://t.co/IAwr7PxR0m…
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#IWD #ChoseToChallenge #castleford& #Yorkshire
the t in t-shirt stands for ~trauma~
#transformersanimated #maccadam #tfawasp #waspinator
random lil aggie doodles i did alongside tourness and nini, street tag with @Candace61923707 's bebe waspinator on the left, and a drawing of nini/@PreattyChilll on the right :)
Bee about to get NOM-ed
#bumblebee #wasp #waspinator #transformers #TransformersAnimated #transformerart
@BeckettUnite @JaneMoore7 #1950s #waspiwomen no transitional £ from 60 yr to 66 yr although transitional #Pensioners working as vulnerable employees in #Frontline employment #wirktillyoudrop #50 yrs working too long for young & old
Waspinator is tired of getting destroyed. In every episode.
I like him.
#Beastwars #waspinator
@cherrizard My party adopted/abducted a lone kuo-toa in an undersea tunnel system. His name is Shlipplblorp, he's the only known atheist kuo-toa, he hates everything, and he shall one day destroy the sun.
I do my best approximation of Zoidberg crossed with Waspinator when I voice him.
Our other Social Platforms:
Twitter - https://t.co/BwJSX8jvsu please add @WASPI_2018 or #waspicampaign2018 to your Tweets.
Facebook -facebook.com/waspicampaign2…
Website - https://t.co/nWvTYxGO6I
YouTube - https://t.co/ZZXXr4IC3u
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🎇#worktillyoudrop ! #waspiwomen #50swomen https://t.co/HjKJAmAwTu
#five years added onto our working life ( many have six ) due to state pension age changes !! Some don’t have work pensions & rely on statepension alone ! Aged 65/66 yr then #COVID19 ... quality time limited now with #grandchildren .... #coronavirusuk #waspiwomen #50sWomen .
Watch out, it's sharp! Buzzkill sulk around fields and go after anyone who enters their territory. A full 3-ft. high, they tend not to swarm, instead acting as a gathering point for many, other, more normal bees.
#morphmonday #waspinmyhouse @DUSKdev
Transformers: Kingdom list of upcoming figures and listings
Leader Class Galvatron
Deluxe Class Pipes retool of Huffer
Deluxe Class Waspinator new mold
Deluxe Scorponok.
War For Cybertron Kingdom Figures listing
Shadow Panther
#1950swomen #waspiwomen #frontlineworkers #CoronavirusPandemic #BorisJohnson over 60 plus either in retail /cleaners /education lots facing general public .., #dutyofcare For this age group , you say #becareful but no choice for many no #transitional £ from 60 to 66 yr
Final result! Beast Wars Optimus Primal flying with terrorsaur and waspinator :) It’s for sale if anyone wants it before I list it on eBay. Just DM me
#beastwars #transformers
A few art pieces I been doin over the past few days. The circle holdin' the robot dude belongs to @Longrackiscool , i own the reaper lady and the among us thing and the head is Sarah Stones waspinator! Love the bastard <3
Out now: SONIC THE COMIC THE PODCAST #36! Dr. Robotnik seizes the power of the Chaos Emeralds! The final whistle blows on Mutant League! Plus: Tails, Decap Attack, forgotten fast food promotions, and a letter from @muscularpikachu! #STCTP #knuckleswaspink
@TheArtistHelp @ConoceArtistas
#transformers #transformersanimated #bumblebee #cliffjumper #wasp #waspinator #hotshot