Asked by the lovely
Top 3 pairings (this is haaard so I'm just doing danmei novel ships for now):
1. Xisang (Lan Xichen/Nie Huaisang, MDZS)
2. FengQing (Feng Xin/Mu Qing, TGCF)
3. Mo Ran/Chu Wanning (2ha)

0 6

fanart for this fic:
bc it is very very good

2 8

"borrowing" 's robes because why not, you know?

3 13

nhs breaks the curfew in Cloud Recesses and discovers something about the Lans no outsider should know (fic: by )

2 9

had a shit day, treated myself to some nhs/fem!lxc because HECK YEAH to size difference where the woman is the tall one >3c

3 19

it's so have as a goldfish (and as a mandarin duck but that's... less mermaid-y)

5 24

wrote a ficlet about helping in the aftermath of nmj's death, bc I like to hurt them. technically but can be read as gen /o/

9 28

some soft because I was on a boring phone meeting this week too and because I'm forever in denial about canon

7 18

I fucking love "A Skilled Tactician is the Jewel of a Kingdom" and I want to do a billion art for that fic

3 18

short comic inspired by this : by because it was too cute to leave alone <3

34 59 teen romance chap 4: nhs arrives to cloud recesses and drowns in vinegar😏

2 9

read a fic this morning and it was super nice so I had to illustrate it because hey, it's xisang!!

3 12

some mischief during nhs's student days, back when they were young and full of hope, never knowing how much they'd betray each other someday💖💖💖

2 11

A small fanart to try out my new grey toned watercolour sketchbook. Threw some (uncooperative) silver metallic rub-on leaves on it.

(Also - why does Huaisang tend to look kinda .. sinister in my Xisang pictures?)

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modern au: the day lxc realises he's actually crushing on the same person twice

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