Performapal Smile Kuriboh!

Kuribohs don't have mouths, so it can be hard for him to smile. But he is doing his best :)

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Mythic-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
1 "Odd-Eyes" monster + 1 Dragon monster

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Performapal Skullcrobat Extra Joker!

Also last chance to enter the Custom Card Competition ->

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Performapal Kuribohtie!

Still time to enter the "Name-A-Kuriboh Competition" ->

Performapal background by JBird100901:


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So... I heard some rumors that maybe the Arc V world will be added to Duel Links around September, and I only have to say is that I can´t wait to play it!

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D/D/D Supersight King Zero Boltzmann!

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I saw a cool piece of art with birds in front of a character and I wanted to try it!

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^^ I finished my of

He shall traverse the world on his hippo spreading egao, none shall stand in the way XD

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Happy Ending Anniversary😇#Anima Adventure 1, (S2), (S1), (S2), and Digimon is such a childhood favorite and I wished Zatch Bell went all the way to the end 😭

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