Posting the link to my translation of “Frozen: Visit to the Ice Palace” (La Reine des Neiges: Visite au palais de glace), made for the threads on snowchan.

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Zen: Wolf?


Me: But What if... 😂 😂🤣🤣

17 423

Zymire: Ha ha~ Erdie is enjoying the feast!
Lozen: I wonder how big he can get...
Zymire: Well let's find out!!

1 1

Zymire: Wow! This is quite the spread.
Oreskull: Heh! Don't just stand there! Dig in!
Erdie: Thanks!!
Lozen: Thank you!

0 0

Zymire: ...Wow they were not kidding. How are you guys holding up?
Lozen: Fine...!
Erdie: Eh?
Bronze Knight: Ah... Sorry about this... Some mayhem is happening. Maybe those gifts you have would get everyone to stop fighting for a while?
Zymire: Ah! Good idea!

2 2

Zymire: I think we should head for Ingvoll now.
Lozen: Alrighty! Wow! Erdie ate a lot more than I thought
Zymire: Heh, I'm not surprised.

2 3

Made a new watchface for Download the app "Facer," and then get the watchface FREE for Wear OS (Android) and Tizen:

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Zymire: Okay! We're done with the gifts!
Xiluna: Good timing! I'm done in here.
Xiluna: *climbing out of Lozen* Thank you for your help!
Zymire: Where next?
Erdie: How about Crysolis?
Lozen: Yeah! Let's go there!

3 5

Lozen: Now what?
Xiluna: Open your maw.
Lozen: Like this?
*Xiluna proceeds to crawl into Lozen's maw*
*Once Lozen is done he lets out a burp*
Zymire: How long with this take?
Xiluna: About an hour.
Zymire: Good! We'll presents for the town by then!

2 5

Zymire: Ah! King Xiluna! Nice to see ya!
Xiluna: Oh Zymire, you don't have be so formal. But I'm glad you came!
Zymire: Is there anything you need?
Xiluna: Yeah... A vessel. It shouldn't take too long but I'd like to rest in a warmer place.
Lozen: I could help with that.

1 1

Zymire: Here we are!
Erdie: That's some welcome party.
Lozen: His belly is translucent!
Zymire: Hey Oshio! Mind if we pay a visit to the king?
Oshio: Oh... Not at all... He's... been expecting you...
Zymire: Great! Thanks!

0 0

Zymire: Auraiol won't be that long of a trek.
Lozen: Wow! Look at the ghoul!
Erdie: Heh, he's got guts. Like me!
Zymire: Ello there! Don't mind us we're waddling through

3 3

Mal etwas anderes! Ich finde das Design von richtig interessant und musste mich unbedingt an ein cooles Logo setzen: Und taaadaa~ Hier ist es ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ

3 23

Zymire: We'll be going. Feel free to open the gift when the time comes.
Vellion: Will do! Tixo's very good at guarding.
Lozen: Where will we go next?
Erdie: How about Auraiol?
Zymire: Good idea! Those guys could brighten up for a bit!

1 2

Zymire: Well we're near the entra- What's Argin and Zethz arguing about this time?
Lozen: Who knows...
Edrie: Let's find out then!
Zymire: Good idea!

2 4

Zymire: Okay! Zarkol is off to nab the naughty folk I'll grab my "reindeer" Lozen and Erdie. Are you two ready to meet folks in Charmvale?"
Lozen: Yeah! It's been a while!
Erdie: Of course I'm ready!

2 4

Belphegor: Hey Honeybunch, did u see my guit...😲😲😲😲

Urizen: lock the door and come to Mama!😏😏😏😏

2 20

Star Citizen: Art by Jim Martin.

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