I missed this yesterday, but Zelda turned 35 years old and I just thought that's pretty neat. Majora's Mask was my first ever game I played. I have LoZ to thank for my interest in video games.

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¡Ayer fue el 35 aniversario de la saga Legend of Zelda! ¡Así que he aquí mi tweet recopilatorio de mis dibujos de Botw!

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Encore et toujours en retard mais Happy !
Quatre illustrations que j'ai réalisées il y a quelque temps maintenant, mettant en avant les villages des quatre prodiges dans BOTW.


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Made a small animation to celebrate the birthday of my favorite media franchise of all time. Although I'm a bit late to the party.

Happy Birthday Zelda!

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Happy Anniversary to the franchise that first inspired me to pursue Here some pieces from 2019:

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Ayer fue el 35 aniversario de la saga The Legend of Zelda. Fecidades Link

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just wanted to post some Minish Cap art I did in 2006, this was when I was experimenting with the watercolor technique I still use today.

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happy 35th Zelda! I hope to draw you many more times in the future

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Happy I've drawn only a couple of actual full pieces, but participate in drawing prompts every October. I have so many doodles that I wanted to share with you all!

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So thankful to have have been with Zelda since the very beginning. 💚💎🍃

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No quería dejar pasar el día sin celebrar el 35 aniversario de Zelda! :) mucho amor para esa franquicia y un dibujo especial por la emoción del skyward sword hd :D

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