Who is guilty of the melting icebergs? "Melting icebergs" watercolors and pencil colors

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The siege imposed by the zionist entity on Gaza alongside the sanctions imposed by the Palestinian Authority have resulted in unlivable conditions, including the inability to access treatment for 13K cancer patients in Gaza.

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In passa la light ma c'è un fronte proibizionista.Disegno per Il Caffè. Tutte le altre https://t.co/s4FnFicfkH

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America does not exist! Only a corporation! Ran by Zionist Freemasons! its illegal to use your name!

18 12

No awake person in this thread! Kaepernick is a shill puppet. funded USA is a Zionist military corporation

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You are not the audience but pawn players! Everyday you ignore Yrs of life leaves your kids! 👇

14 12

Appassionati di o collezionisti compulsavi?! 🤔

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British MP: israel Fabricated Knife Attack Stories, Conserv Party Influenced By Zionist $$$ https://t.co/vK7Aeo3t9s

130 47

Shoot... Add a knife... Take a photo.

This is apartheid Zionist Israel.

350 89

John Kerry announces ME trip 2 Egypt & Qatar, skipping Zionist Entity

42 22

With Iran deal, Zionist Entity turns a day of celebration into a day of mourning

25 8

Do the super powers, & agree w/ that 'Takfiri groups need to be "eradicated? wb U.S.?

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French cartoonist Zeon arrested for anti-Zionist work

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All the media in the hands of the Zionists...#GazaUnderAttack

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