Sorry for walking on your laptop, I was just trying to send you a lovely email 😅😍
Collection :
EastrDrak Tabbys Club
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2 5

These little dangling objects keep appearing, and I keep trying to catch them, but it's hard

Collection :
EastrDrak Tabbys Club
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0 4

Everything the light touches is a place for me to take a nap on 💤😴

Collection :
EastrDrak Tabbys Club
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0 9

Napping so much actually takes a lot of skill ☺️😎

Collection :
EastrDrak Tabbys Club
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0 7

I would get up, but I'm just so comfy right here ☺️

Collection :
EastrDrak Tabbys Club
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1 6

No matter how small, Tabby's will always see themselves as ferocious tigers.
Collection :
EastrDrak Tabbys Club
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0 7

I don’t always run around, but when I do it’s at 3 a.m.
Collection :
EastrDrak Tabbys Club
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1 14