画質 高画質

shouto will be like "um personal space?" but then sit in the tiny open spot next to izuku

67 539

Fake Copy Pasta ape just sold for 3.5 ETH…
Imagine when hit the market place?
Do your math paper hands - we locked loaded and waiting💰


5 7

What did you do for me to make this face?

11 232

Are you implying its not about xp? If you are, what would agility gather other than marks of grace?

0 0

who's ready for the next episode of ruPilowu's drag race??

9 37

In a gold rush🚀 it is advised to sell shovels instead of digging for gold.

So, in the present race 🏁 how can you sell shovels to win the race?⚡️

0 2

Beautiful butterflies, soaring in space, gracefully gliding, frantically flapping. How did they get in space? Butterflies don't belong in space. Maybe magic? Must be.

1 3

Fresh bone marrow really puts some hair on your chest. And a snout on your face?

For !

154 1029

Would you kiss this 🐲 face??
🎨art @/themeekwarrior

6 69

TLK 2 AU: Wistful ✨

“When she looked back at him, his pleading expression struck a chord with her. But it wasn’t enough.”

Who wouldn’t melt at that face? 💖

20 149

You know what I'm going to say it: Link.

They made pulling the Master sword extremely boring

They made him a tank without the perks

They took "he doesn't speak" as "he has no personality or soul"

WiiU made him look absolutely hideous what is that FF looking face?? https://t.co/JkGBQ0RcTs

0 2

Early morning warm-up silly doodle of :) Just let Shawn bite you, how could you say no to that face??

1 4

"whats you favourite place?" featuring Ramses.

5 29

If you were in the Pokémon world and had the privilege to battle against Ash, what "dream team" would you like to face? The criteria of battle format, allowed mechanics and even in which point of your journey (and his) the event is to happen are up to you.

16 81

SRL here. There has been reports of a "Humoniod Typhoon" on the loose in this Trigun and Splatoon 3 crossover splatfest event.
Who do you think has a better set of morals?
Knives with his " kill or be killed" ideals or Vash trying to bring Love and Peace?
More info below

4 15