I-​I​ Val​ day​ early​ gift? Idk​ its​ just​ i​ was​ bored​ i​ was​ planning​ to​ make​ a​ cute doodle​ but​ turned​ out​ like​ this​ i​ have​ no​ explainations​ help

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i have no explaination.

0 1

Wait... Let me explain... Actually no, there isn't any explaination. https://t.co/HL0noSNQu9

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(I'm gonna assume they ages like humans)
Here's my explaination of some of my design choice:
Since he's 12 and still a kid I give him more child-like cloths.(1)

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GUYS i have an explaination for how lucky dream was (edit by my partner!!!!)

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we went through a bit of gestures today, so I tried to apply it to the sketches when I did them

also full frontal leg explaination by minimaru was very comprehensible yeah
getting to understand legs bit by bit everyday

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translated hc explaination: the "horns" and smul relationship (might be a big spoiler alert, but my hcs are not canon claimed so! oological and embryological nonsense tw??) pt.1

16 67

Lock screen
Youtube history
Last listened to song
And 7th photo in gallery

I have no explaination for any of these https://t.co/ws7iy3ixsk

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an old hc explaination with irrelevant armor design

18 112

AU // caretaker/servant samuel
explaination of the au: samuel takes care of his closest and dearest friends family and future generations of his family after his passing

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no explainations xd

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I have no explaination except boredom and is a terrible influence.

2 9

Despite the triple-application of the explaination mark she has phrased the statement as a question so you could reply with a "no" and science?

Then again, you can at least in theory stroke the Cheshire Cat. Imagine trying to do that with the Flying Spaghetti Monster! 😆

0 1

Finally im holding another raffle. winners will get to be a part of the series! Here are the req:

-Follow & retweet
-Comment refs with Battle form, Casual wear, ability, specie (Any), and personality (With explaination).

3 winners will be picked! Raffle ends in 350 follows!

11 24

Ucapan tahniah kepada sis yang dinobatkan sebagai juara edisi episod ke-5!

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i have no explaination for this one HELPPAPDPAPDOS IK CUENFNSNJF

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Fifth wave.
A LOT of explainations for this one, so I'll just link you the DeviantART page of this wave. https://t.co/hB1pmLRmRu

You just need to know that : there's scrapped versions of previous waves. Only Lavenza and Purple Heart are new from today.

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Wanted to do mini explaination comic for general understanding. Might edit dialogue later 🤷‍♂️

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Theres honestly no explaination for what i've done.. LOL

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....... anyways™
there's an explaination but also.. i just wanted to fuck around

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