An adorable Yuka*, wearing a dress based on the floral lace dress. She's SO CUTE! 💙
*ユーカリ/유카리/尤嘉莉 /Calypso/Ute/Юка

5 16

Look how happy Asriel is with his shiny new boots! Smooth, squeaky and cute ^^ 💚

8 19

En/Sc: NEW PROFILE PIC! It's Digby*!


9 33

En: Toying around with an idea for a Scottish postage stamp design
Sc: Ployin aboot wi a thocht for a Scots post stamp design
Gl: A’ cluich mun cuairt le beachd airson dealbhadh stampa postachd Albannach

4 14

Artwork I made for my iPhone 4...then I got an iPhone 7 :p

5 23

En: I drew a Yoko Imoto-inspired cat :3
Gd: Rinn mi dealbh air a bhrosnachadh le cait Yoko Imoto :3
Sc: A drew a Yoko Imoto-inspirit cat :3
Jp: いもとようこに触発された猫を描いた :3

4 13

Hi,i‘m new on twt~
I' m a illustrator and character concept airtist from China.I like to draw girls wearing ancient Chinese clothes~hope you like my works😘

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