画質 高画質

I'll post a couple maybe 👀

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And here is one of the best ones I drew so far.
neat anatomy for you.

410 4127

art! izin setor wipp, sender agak jarang gambar dibawah bust up, mau minta krisar anatomi/baju kalo ada🙏

0 23

Was busy and tired the past two days.
Today I find myself less struggling to draw the face so I start practicing the arm anatomy (from ref ofc) instead. Again, doing this until I do less second-guessing would be nice. https://t.co/JUXcUfNVMD

1 21

Quick (ish) sketch

Need to get back to morning gestures. My anatomy and flow needs a good refresher.

94 973

Sheersha anatomy

185 2736

Artist! boleh dong kritik dan saran, maaf ya masih gradagan soalnya blm full render takutnya ada kesalahan tapi sender nggak ngeh kan sayang nanti kalau udah full render. Menerima semua saran/kritik (entah pemilihan warna, anatomi, atau apapun lah). Maaciii smuaanya (cont..)

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ai can never portray the visceral emotions, the fist clenching, bark inducing violence I feel for my favs drawn in this anatomy

65 543

Anatomy 3 (Legs, arms, hands, and feet)
5 hours of information. Not sure if I learned much. But at least I know what not to do the next time I draw (probably). https://t.co/9minYliQQz

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anatomy studies 🧸

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Fuck it. I'm going to speedrun my anatomy with a bunch of superhero references. Why bother with a precise measurement when you have a machine learning called the human brain.
Current training regimen: Keep copying the references until I stop second-guessing every other stroke. https://t.co/qLjJdR2bg1

1 34

Man, I can learn so much from this. Very good linework and anatomy... But more importantly :

0 4

immortalizing ittos big skull crusher thighs before i have to cover them up with pants 💔 (i have to draw all the anatomy every time i draw even though down the road i will have to erase the lines) (i like drawing bodies too much to change my process)

54 986

Anatomy 1: The head.
Okay. Now that I know the head is not that difficult to draw. That means the biggest problems for me are the only two parts Marc hadn't taught me yet: The hair and the anime eyelashes. Especially the eyelashes. I never understood how they work... https://t.co/aoBRBuRv8G

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oh right I studied leg anatomy today https://t.co/kprQGhfz8P

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