Happy everyone!

To celebrate, please enjoy this picture of Kouya, Shino's very special page in Agents of Sakuratani 🐯

He looks like a white tiger, just smaller, and will only speak when needed.

Isn't he a good boy? 😍

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今日10月4日は だそうです🐍

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Animal rescue is rewarding but hard, especially when not every animal pulls through. I drew this little chap who sadly didn't make it but who made a big impact in his short time on earth. 🐿️❤️

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Oh she’s so adorable! 💗 Happy Gotcha Day Pickle!

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Selamat hari hewan sedunia~! Suka hewan yang gumush-gumush?

Yuk, baca rekomendasi webtoon berikut ini~

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Thanks to this wonderful world!
Thanks to people who love animals!

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On I'd like to highlight some of the sentient souls who are persecuted for 'sport' and as trophies.
Let them breathe, let them live, let them be.💚

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Selamat Hari Binatang Sedunia, Reonites! Setiap binatang juga mempunyai hak yang sama seperti kita untuk hidup di dunia ini, lho.

Hewan favorit kamu apa nih?
Tulis di kolom komentar dengan menggunakan emoji, ya! 🐕🐈🦋🐢🐙🐡🐳🐘🦒🦓🐑🦜

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