Guten Morgen und schönen Samstag! 🌷☀️
Good Morning, have a nice Saturday! 🌷☀️
Pencil drawing with pastels from my archive

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Day 66 The majestic but critically endangered western lowland gorilla Photo reference

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(but not daily posting🙄 ) Days 64 and 65 The East African crowned crane and Fea’s tree frog. Photo refs

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Moin Ihr Lieben 🖌️🌻💛💙🌿🕊️☮️❣️

Auch Mal wieder ganz normalen Quatsch zu zeichnen, das tut richtig gut!

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Day 63 The delightful Diana monkey, another endangered species. Photo reference

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Well, I can never pass up an opportunity to repost the mighty porpoisopus

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Day 61 Here be dragons. Boyd’s forest dragon, photo reference

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A favourite sketch of scratching hens on our plot. You can buy the card here

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Early morning in the sheep field

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Corona-Skizzen 346: Lachmöwe im Rio dei Vetrai, Burano bei Venedig. Aquarell 18x26cm

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Corona-Skizzen 340: Ein Seychellennektarvogel an der Anse Soleil, Mahe, Seychellen. Aquarell 18x26cm
Irgendwie ist grad ne Tierwoche bei mir 😄

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Pencil & watercolour sketch of a Mermaid. A symbol of freedom & independence.

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