Omg Garmadon just force feeding him the tea until he's got too much power - that's so silly pftt

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If you told me "Garmadon protecting a village with an army of bears will be badass" I probably wouldn't have believed you

I was very wrong. Look at this rad shit

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Never change Garmadon. You're wonderful.

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Oh shit I think this is the first time blood has been shown in the Ninjago universe. I like how Garmadon does empathise with the bears

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I like this direction - it's almost inevitable that Garmadon will help with Mogra, but the villagers asking for his help would feel wrong.

I love the idea of "even if you're bad, you don't have to be evil" - Garmadon can't fully redeem himself...

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Not really mentioned Min much, but her feeling empathy and wanting to help Garmadon purely because he's hurt is really sweet

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good day twt! i’m not new but i’m looking for some new mutuals that are into and / !

i’m also into the mandela catalogue, wings of fire, and starting to get into monkie kid ! oh yeah i draw too


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Oh damn Garmadon nearly joined Mogra?? Woah

Also I love the analogy of Garmadon being The little snake in [Wu's] garden becoming a serpent.

Sadly, Garmadon was a ticking timebomb who was inevitably going to become evil sooner or later.

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Glad they brought this up.

Also Garmadon being reliant on the tea to use his Oni abilities makes me think that him supressing his nature is suppressing his powers too

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And we continue the tradition of 3 different covers. Both of these depict the is a pretty big event from his past...curious.

Tom Whalen's lineless covers are looking great, he seems to be depicting Garmadon in different key forms (Emperor, Master and Lord)

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"We traded one monster for another...Whoever wins, we lose"

"Not quite...I'm a cheater"

Some great lines here. Garmadon *could* be better for the village than Mogra but Garmadon was a tyrant before, he could easily become one again.

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"I've already forgotten your name" - BANGER line.

I love this, Garmadon's legendary status has been built up throughout the show, and here we see Mogra using that reputation for his own benefit, and now he seeks to prove his superiority once and for all

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I like how despite doing "good things" Garmadon is still very much his evil self. He was ressurected as an Oni, so his capacity for good is probably limited

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Yeah!!! Concept art!!! Normalise having unused concepts in the back of your comic books

I love some of these designs, Garmadon is using an Odachi (traditionally used by the samurai apparently)

Also I love the idea of him using an umbrella as a shield

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Ohhh! So that's what the other Garmadon from Issue 1 was!

"True Potential" is a phrase thrown around a lot, but I'm almost positive that in this case, Garmadon submitting to the embodiment of his power would turn him into a solely destructive force

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Garmadon omg, show some compassion

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Love the design of Garmadon here - it's different but still fitting without being too drastic of a change to his design.

There's some beautiful shots in his travel montage

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"Once again Ninjago would find itself saved by its would-be conqueror"

"Ninjago fate is deeply intertwined with his [Garmadon's] own"

Love these lines a lot, also we finally see Garmadon looks really cool without his helmet!

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Less than 2 pages in and I love the tone Garmadon is being talked about here - he's not pure evil - he's a man that was fated and forced to become evil.

Great starting recap

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