It's about to get a lot trickier. The first 3matches of Round 2 are:

Miltia vs. Arslan

Weiss vs. Emerald (coincidentally teased in the v2-3 intros)

Pyrrha vs. Velvet (can skill win out when there's no metal to control?)

2 4

แค่ซาวน์แทร็คก็ปังแล้ว 🎉“Yuki Kajiura” ผลงานเพลงประกอบ Ost สุดปัง (Aldnoah. Zero / Arslan Senki / Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel )

📍รอบพิเศษวันที่ 27-28 พฤศจิกายน และ 4-5 ธันวาคม 2021📍
⚔️รอบปกติ 9 ธันวาคมนี้ ในโรงภาพยนตร์ ⚔️

71 26

Round 1, Matches 9 to 12:
Arslan vs. Oscar (No Ozpin assuming Direct Control)
Neon vs. Penny (No Maiden powers)
Ciel vs. Velvet
Sun vs. Ren

Who wins each, and why? Best reasoning wins!

3 9

NEW Kodansha Manga Release:

⚔️The Heroic Legend of Arslan, Volume 15 ⚔️
By Yoshiki Tanaka and Hiromu Arakawa

📖 Arslan must now face what could be the greatest obstacle ever in his quest to regain the capital!

Print + digital:

8 32

The plot thickens! The war drama is now also peppered with politicking and intrigues. ****

0 0

Happy B-Day Senku, Arslan, Leonardo & Twelve!

0 1

arslan senki i am thinking about you.

2 13

1st set of from Earth's Final Chapter Book 14: Promise Land by Jonathan Hemmings & by Bora Arslanbulut
Releasing with other installments December 17th

3 7

Arakawa Hiromu
(Fullmetal Alchemist, Heroic Legend of Arslan, Silver Spoon)

Takahashi Rumiko
(Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2, Rinne, Lum)

Hoshino Katsura

Toboso Yana
(Black Butler, character design Twisted Wonderland)

0 1

Arslan was fire asf definitely in my top 20

7 47

Arslan kinda fire ngl

8 35

Super quick evening doodle of Arslan, one of Maria's older brothers.
Shame he's already dead.

3 6

📈 Le manga "Arslan Senki" par Hiromu Arakawa (Fullmetal Alchemist) et Yoshiki Tanaka (auteur original), atteint les 8 millions de copies en circulation !

1 6

Happy Ending Anniversary😇#TheHeroicLegendofArslan (S2) I love this anime. It's so cool and has awesome "historical" drama. I can't wait for a S3 (if it ever happens).

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