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It's about to get a lot trickier. The first 3matches of Round 2 are:
Miltia vs. Arslan
Weiss vs. Emerald (coincidentally teased in the v2-3 intros)
Pyrrha vs. Velvet (can skill win out when there's no metal to control?)
แค่ซาวน์แทร็คก็ปังแล้ว 🎉“Yuki Kajiura” ผลงานเพลงประกอบ Ost สุดปัง (Aldnoah. Zero / Arslan Senki / Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel )
📍รอบพิเศษวันที่ 27-28 พฤศจิกายน และ 4-5 ธันวาคม 2021📍
⚔️รอบปกติ 9 ธันวาคมนี้ ในโรงภาพยนตร์ ⚔️
Round 1, Matches 9 to 12:
Arslan vs. Oscar (No Ozpin assuming Direct Control)
Neon vs. Penny (No Maiden powers)
Ciel vs. Velvet
Sun vs. Ren
Who wins each, and why? Best reasoning wins!
NEW Kodansha Manga Release:
⚔️The Heroic Legend of Arslan, Volume 15 ⚔️
By Yoshiki Tanaka and Hiromu Arakawa
📖 Arslan must now face what could be the greatest obstacle ever in his quest to regain the capital!
Print + digital: https://t.co/9oR0ybFpgT
The plot thickens! The war drama is now also peppered with politicking and intrigues. **** #HeroicLegendArslan6 #comicrack
1st set of #characterdesigns from Earth's Final Chapter Book 14: Promise Land by Jonathan Hemmings & #illustrated by Bora Arslanbulut
Releasing with other #EFC installments December 17th
Super quick evening doodle of Arslan, one of Maria's older brothers.
Shame he's already dead.
📈 Le manga "Arslan Senki" par Hiromu Arakawa (Fullmetal Alchemist) et Yoshiki Tanaka (auteur original), atteint les 8 millions de copies en circulation !
Happy Ending Anniversary😇#TheHeroicLegendofArslan (S2) #anime! I love this anime. It's so cool and has awesome "historical" drama. I can't wait for a S3 (if it ever happens).