画質 高画質

artist! art! mencoba keluar dari zona artblock https://t.co/4G2PMVPyGo

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Second attempt, that first one is probably getting scrapped.
Not sure about this one either tbh Really wanna draw something cool for his new outfit but I'm artblocked to shit oughhh https://t.co/fiz2vC1PWG

0 63

Perasaan sender mulai gaenak... Biasanya kalau lancar nge-lineart, renderingnya suka artblock. Betul tydack sobat Artist! ? 🫠

2 110

art! redraw saat artblock adalah jalan ninjaku🥷

21 360

art! balik setelah 2 bulan artblock

0 11

Art Summary 2023
Artblock is ...😔

2 14

art! hi kidz kenapa ya didunia ini ada artblok😔

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[Titipan] Art! Setelah artblock lama, akhirnya sender berani gambar lagi.

0 8

tw // darah , blood

selamat malam artist! akhirnyaa sender berhasil melawan artblock😄 ada yang mau berk☁️? akun sender sepi soalnyaa

1 34

Akhirnya bisa menghasilkan art! lagi setelah lama banget artblock huhu 😔 sp mau jadi 🐄ts?

5 90

Trying to live through this artblock🫨

691 6191

Rkgk day 86
Artblock is beating my ass so I'm just gonna go to sleep before I explode 😭

32 364

malam semuanyaa, mau setor art! setelah vakum 3 minggu gegara artblock, adakah yg mau berk☁️??

1 10

I dont know what kind if crack i was on last night but it really does just take a completely different artstyle and a shit ton of spite to get out of artblock

182 1140

Old Nayuta+Makima sketch while I'm fighting my demons (artblock)

587 6562

Since I got an artblock lately I should try to sketch whatever in my head to clear all of my thought
I think I wanna try to draw some good sword pose
Maybe I should try to draw iroha or some holomem that I never draw to relief my stress

7 54

artist! sender iseng” sketch biar ga mampet artblock😭 yuuuk ada yg mau ber🐮 di ig ato twt kaah?

0 25

Artblock is always crazy right after i open comms bcause i had to redraw poses 6552 times to get it to look normal (the timelapse is horrendous) i kind of dont like these but take it as filler yuri 🔥

417 2883

Setor art! Sender baru balik dari hibernasi. Kalian ada gak sih yang kalau habis artblock tiba tiba jadi sepuh bentar😭sumpah nanya..

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