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I heard there was a new challenge from . Love it! As much as I love a good pair of beautiful breasts, I have to admit I am an Ass Man. Enjoy my contributions as you watch these ladies "plug in" LOL

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💋 Decided to join an art challenge on YT! "Create your monster"

I don't have a name for her yet but I'm think I'll her as a secondary sona!


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Another character fusion

This time Betty is fused with 's character

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Face train except it’s only for 22-23 o7

Don’t have many to tag, but tagging 🍉, and whoever wants to join!!


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I’m joining to the with this one 🤭 gracias por el desafío

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Another challenge! This one was started by , and as always, I have so much fun unwinding with art like this.

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Here is March's official art challenge!

Your prompt is - GREEN

Post your submission on the forum, join us on Discord, or tag us on social media!

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Very late but still made it in time😅
I had fun drawing her! Very cute, much bnuy 💗

Congratulations 🎉

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Art trend I did on Tiktok! It was a create your own oc challenge by @/pastafrolv. Overall, I'm happy with how she came out despite being unsure of what clothing style I got from the prompts. 😋

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