My last box of pepero finished ( ̄- ̄;) pepero and pocky are pretty similar.

What's your favourite pocky?
I personally like the yellow pepero box, with the stick outside and chocolate inside (^q^)

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Hi BR0B0T OwO! I've never met a virtual robot before, this is actually my first time knowing there was such a thing. Interesting~

It's nice to meet you! Here's a photo of me and you xD
((sorry if it looks weird ;; I've never drawn robots before))

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Hello Stella (^0^)/ Nice to meet you too!

A rabbit magical girl? Cool owo I like your.. saturn-looking orb thing that you have there :D

Here's a photo of me and you! ^^

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Hello!! Wow an axolotl OwO They're such cute creatures. I hope you'll find out what happened to your father ^^ It's nice to meet you!

Here's a photo of me and you :D

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Hellooo! >w< I love your design (⁄ ⁄•⁄ꇴ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

Here's a photo of me and you! Hope you like it ^^

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Hi Maple Ribbon :D! Uuuu I've always wanted to try stardew valley (*°ヮ° *) I've only ever played harvest moon and I heard they have a similar concept owo

You're so fluffy! Here's a photo of me and you ^w^

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Nice to meet you too! xD

You're so cute ^w^ I love your bat, though it does scare me a bit ww. I do wonder tho, why is there a bandage on your nose owo?

Here's a photo of me and you (^^)

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Hello yume-! A chaotic squirrel indeed (^▽^) Wow, I've always wanted to know what it's like to live in space amongst all those planets and stars- wait with ducks too? oh my.

Nice to meet you too! Here's a photo of me and you :D I gotta say, you looks very fluffy ww

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d-d-d-death incarnate? reaper? cool ✨(◉ω◉ ) well, hello there Thrilith! I hope you're enjoying earth so far. How long have u been, uh, soul collecting? Do you like what u do (*´▽`*)?

Here's the photo! you're very tall and I love what you wear (//▽//)

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AAAAA sorry i forgot to tag these again so reposting for tagging purposes uwu 💦💦

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Hi barrels!! i love your designn OwO oh, sorry i drew the left one instead OTL but now we both have comfy sweaters on xD

venti is all i want in genshin TTwTT huehue he's just too cute. let's get dem primos!!

also, here's the photo (*^▽^*) hope you like it

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hello nami!! Wow, a water cat girl? I thought cats didnt like water? (^▽^) interesting~ It's nice to meet you!

here's a photo of me and you ^3^

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Hi buggi! you're so cute xD
here's a photo of me and you-! i really love the carrot on your outfit (^▽^)

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Howdy (^∇^) It's nice to meet you too, AnnieUshi!
Here's a photo of me and you xD

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posting this photo once again cuz i forgot to tag my art tag (´∀`)

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Hi Oliver! This is amazing xD i've never met someone with wings before owo and fluffy ears too. im just a regular human so all i have is a squishy butt, lol.

here's a photo of you and me! \^o^/ really love your fluffy hair btw, do u use conditioner? (゜▽ ゜)

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[COFFEE GURLS] This is a special THANK YOU to my sweeties: and for their support and their friendship 💖💖💖 LUV YA!!! Their OC's f.l.t.r. Val, San, Riyah (my girl) and Aeryn in some casual outfits for their monthly coffee date!

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As you can tell, I am very hype to play Atelier Ryza 2, and I will do it starting tomorrow. Special thanks goes to @/yosushizanmai for this skeb that I'm going to use in my thumbnails during the playthrough.

Good night everyone! おやすみ!!!

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Artelier, un manga pas trop connu que j'avais lu au CDI de mon collège.
Franchement je recommande, c'est l'histoire d'un monde où certains artisans possèdent la "main divine" qui permet de rendre magique leurs créations.
Vraiment, il vaut le détour

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