Black Cat?...Is this really the best name?🤣

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لقد كان إله الحظ سيئًا بشكل عام ، وكذلك كان بنتن أيضا.

لقد كانت بن تين نشطة للغاية في🎥🎞
فيلم Only You، وهذا جعلني أرغب في تحريك Benten أكثر في القصة الرئيسية.

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In this AU, ben all parallel universes are cat person.🤣

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Thanks for the tag, .

Okay, not normally a tagging person, but I will tag a few folks. , , , and

Without further ado, 4 characters I love. :3

- Mister
- Mikine Nezu (the bottom one)
- Adenela
- Benten

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Teen's CryptoNinja Benten - 弁天 を
NIEMON さんにお迎え頂きました🎉🎉

0.05 ETH でのお迎えでした!

元オーナーの yasu-ETH さんもありがとうございます🥰

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Don't make the big cat shy as this will tear his outfit.🤣

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friend is forcing me to post this image they tried telling me benten looks like boyfriend and he literally fucking doesnt so they made this image in an attempt to prove their stupid fucking point they arent eve nfucking comparable im so mad

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Urusei Yatsura Anime Casts Shizuka Ishigami as Benten

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Please don't🤣Big cat don't like water.
(Trace base in comment)

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New Urusei Yatsura Cast member update:

Benten will be played by Shizuka Ishigami.

The anime will premiere this October.

Image © Rumiko Takahashi/ SHOUGAKUKAN/ Urusei Yatsura anime comittee.

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