Happy birthday Shiro! This is 1 out of 2 pics, so I'm following a theme here. (Theme is cat and flowers) Soft boy, soft pic

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is in 3 days so here's Day4:Galaxy Garrison. For all of the 1 million times I drew Shiro, this is only the 2nd time I drew him as a cadet.

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I used the prompts from to help me get out of my art slump weeks ago so heres day 1 for ✨🖤 We stan two kings 👑👑

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We are 1 week away from so here's my drawing for Day1:Black Paladin. We never saw what his bayard would turn into so I think it would be a lightsaber.

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Happy Birthday Powerful man 🎉㊗️🎊🍾✨

本国Happy Birthday ✨🇺🇸

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Happy Birthday ㊗️🎊🍾🎉 Your singing voice has the power to encourage me. You go your way.l’ll follow you.

I wish you a wonderful birthday😆💕
(Japan time)

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Day 34
Your friendly neighborhood programmer and pixel artist has officially done 25 trips around the sun! May this year bring me good health and amazing opportunities!

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🎉Happy Birthday Barista!🎉
Its been a whole year of comic drawing for me. There were ups and downs, but I think I improved a lot. I'm excited to keep at it another year. Thank you everyone who has read and supported Barista.

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Happy Birthday 🌟
I’m thankful because you always make me happy.😊
Wishing you all the best today and throughout the coming year! 💓 Love you 💕

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Happy Birthday 🎉🎊🎂🍾‼︎
Have a wonderful Birthday 💕


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We're very happy to share the

Advance wishes from Fans!

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