My vision of the eighth galaxy
HAPPY birthday 🎂 bixing
"What precious than money is knowledge, more precious than knowledge is endless curiosity, and more precious than curiosity is the stars above our heads.”
I’ll always love interstellar civilization!

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lu bixing my baby my son my darling child, the best man in the whole universe 😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕💕💕💕 my love for you is greater than the ever-expanding universe

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say hello to my cute sons, zhanlu and lu bixing

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aaaaaaHHHHHH LU BIXING GIF TvT audio drama weibo posted this dkdbjsks LU BIXING I LOVE YOUUUUU

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It’s a love story between a researcher (Lu BiXing, passionate) and an ex-military officer (Lin JingHeng, icy with deep thoughts). PV doesn’t show what the gays look like but the audio drama has some nice artworks…
OP (love this song):

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owo i just noticed lu bixing's necktie is full of constellations 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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