Got this very lovely art piece of me in the style of Animal Crossing by the amazing . Thank you so much!
I've actually never played Animal Crossing, but my friend will be changing that after all this coronavirus bollocks is said and done.

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Happy Valentine's Day you lovely lot. Ignore the commercial bollocks & celebrate L.O.V.E, whether it be for a partner, for family & friends, your dog or yourself ❤

4 27

EL ZINE最新号(No.41)

6 10

I have no idea what i’m doing in pokemon but am absolutely annihilating everything in my path with this madlad, she has a move that’s basically ‘kick in the bollocks’ which is 1-shotting everything 💃

0 1

Never seen such a load of bollocks in all my life. But sure JANICE the service industry ARE out to get you.

0 4

nevermind the bollocks

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Cheers to the Poetry of Silence 🙏

Even when I sound cheesy sometimes [Am I bovvered?Nope!] An Italian Homemade Coffee paired with a Beautiful Sunrise declutters your Mind & filling you up with Positive Energy & some caffeine of course 😉#alwayslookup

PS: „Bollocks to Brexit"

2 23

Never Mind the Bollocks

1 22

she is lil bollocks on ig

1 29

I laughed for like an hour “I haven’t finished the books assigned by my life coach” “makes me want to punch my own face” 👌🏼😂😂😂😂 I actually laughed my bollocks off

1 4

After trying to do art between day jobs and other life bollocks I’ve got 6 weeks to draw whatever the fuck I want, hope I don’t waste it.

Also these prints are still available and I’ll be dispatching sooner than usual since I’m off work. Shop link in bio.

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EL zine 最新号(vol.37)入荷!
2013年に復活を果たしたジャパニーズ・ロウ・パンク・バンド、THE LAST SURVIVORSの巻頭インタヴ ューをはじめ

0 1

Happy Friday here's 45 seconds of Chief O'Brien saying bollocks.

0 6

Bollocks! Forgot . . . to iron me Jim Jams again!

0 4

Then call me crazy, I get that Blaster Heroes need an advantage HOWEVER making the damage ridiculously high is nuts, Iden's Secondary fire and blaster in general with it's fire rate is bollocks

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Alone on Holy Thursday? Blessedmybollocks, Garf be with ya 🏳️‍🌈💖✨#Amen

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The world’s going to bollocks but we’ve got newts in our pond and that beats everything, look at them, hooray.

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