In love with ABRISS' greebly brutalist A E S T H E T I C.
There's a demo!

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作者:Nataliia Rerekina(ウクライナ)
原作者:Gilbert Brissen(ウクライナ)

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*they cuddle*


0 2

Marshall: You ain’t a 2,youre a 10!
Brissa: You’re a 100 out of 10
Marshall: 1000 OUT OF 10
Brissa: 100,000!!!

1 5

‼️ Streamänderung für Samstag ‼️

Da mir die lieben Leute von einen Key für "ABRISS" zur Verfügung gestellt haben (danke dafür), schauen wir da mal rein!

Ihr wisst: Unterstützt

🔴 Samstag ab 19 Uhr

4 12

Brissot (28 ans) et Marat (39 ans) !
Marat était l'ami intime de Brissot avant la Révolution. Selon les Mémoires de Brissot, Marat l'a donné une fois la potion qu'il a fait pour guérir sa main…

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On sait que la fameuse brochure de Camille Desmoulins s’intitule Jean-Pierre Brissot Démasqué 👋😂

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Pierre Brissaud, « Scènes de la vie de bohème », Henry Murger, 1927, eaux-fortes au noir

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Minimus, Minima and Vibrissa stickers (also available on magnets). Find them here:

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Del 1782 è quello destinato al duca di Brissac, comandante militare di spicco tra i cortigiani di Versailles 👇👇

Vigée Le Brun - Du Barry (#Washington)

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A Brissa reaction image! Can anyone guess the font I used?! I’ll give you a cookie!

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Portrait de Brissot pour la vidéo d’un ami
Sauf ceci pour Brissot, je ferai aussi le portrait de Pétion, Vergniaud, Condorcet et les Roland

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⛓️ "My life for a promise?! ANYTIME!!"

1 man firmly stands by his beliefs or: a tiny scene that happened recently I am still kinda proud of :'D
(Featuring Gucci-armor and winestained hair my beloveds.)

6 14

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Kervin Brisseau

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“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.” ― Michael Altshuler
Kervin Brisseau

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Quantos Vtubers têm interesse em commissions?

De Modelos ou Artes num geral?

Teriam interesse se eu abrisse?

Aqui exemplos do meu traço 👀

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Lay plans for something big by starting with it when small.” – Lao Tzu
Kervin Brisseau

1 0

Se eu abrisse as comissions de novo vcs comprariam?

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"E se você se reencontrasse com alguém do passado, que pensou que estava morto, o que faria? Se descobrisse que pessoas importantes para você escondiam algo, como se sentiria? Mas o mais importante... Por que bombas?"

Lhes apresento, o pôster

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