Friday nights project, seemed to be received well. If you need an illustrator, contact me to chat

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Having fun over the last couple of weeks, illustrations and art. If you need illustrations, contact me

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Happy Mothers Day! Still some tickets left for kids big & small at 18th-19th Mar

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Been having a bit of fun this week as well as enjoying some pencil work. Contact me for illustration work

5 5 isn't just for kids,loads of great stuff for 11-18 yr olds so take a look!

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one copy left of the recently released and now sold out edition by of

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Hi I'm new! An illustrator specalising in hand stitched pieces.

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I'm a local illustrator specialising in hand stitched pieces. Available for commissions.

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Please tell your friends about the Unstoppable Maggie McGee & support with

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- great to meet so many businesses tonight - is the work of one artist - &

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Want to see you beloved pet created into a piece of art?

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