This was one of those little things that I thought wasn’t finished yet, and then I put it away for months and came back to it and was like... its done.
My Burmecian character, Tethys, from a home brew final fantasy dnd campaign and her pet cockatrice.

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Since brought them up. This is real Burmecian appreciation hours.

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This cause way more pain than it should of. Its still not fully done but I had to move on.
This is Rikkard. A Dark Knight Burmecian sworn to defend the ruins of his home.

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Totally forgot to post this.
Piece about Freya, all the flowers in this pic grow in places with lots of rain and water.
I also have a pretty strong headcanon about Forget-Me-Not growing a lot in the plains around Burmecia.

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Look at how nice Burmecians look. Let me play as a rat person Square.

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Burmecia (Various, Ctd.)

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Of course I can't leave out his hat

Burmecian's have the coolest fantasy hats I swear

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After Burmecia and Cleyra were ravaged, the Burmecians started lacing mail with magicks to boost their species' population.

Erakir & should have done their Mognet jobs instead of opening the letters themselves. Ah well - Time to move to Burmecia!

🎨 by

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I hear mice are a delicacy in Burmecia :3

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Look its Karai !! 💛💛💛

This was a second commission for Balthazar's oc Karai.
Her clothing is inspired by burmecian and looks super stylish on her~ 💚

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Also I drew my Burmecian a tiny while back.

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Have a Burmecian, why don't ya. X3

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That Burmecian got a little giant and started eating fellas. oops

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"You're On!"

Enough drawing for this week, time to visit Burmecia

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