Who captured the Rebel assault force & were going to boil & eat them before Luke convinced them C3PO was a god? We also never see what happens to the stormtroopers at the end of the movie, but the Ewoks suddenly have plenty of meat for their celebration. 🤔

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Hard to believe it was one year ago today I appeared on stage with my friend at Chicago telling stories about the very first Celebration we did here in Denver 20 years earlier. How times have changed!

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Retro Review - The Souls of Droids Endure in C-3PO - - https://t.co/oZDLPV7w5l

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Star Wars Toy desing, by Shoulong Tian

Greedo, Ackbar, C-3PO and R2-D2 !

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We've always loved artist amazing preproduction artwork, but it literally changed actor Anthony Daniels life! See more in this clip as he talks about being and his new book with some friends https://t.co/fdilkx0NNc

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