It is Tama chan's birthday today🎂

Tama chan braids her up and wears glasses. She is a kind and cheerful girl. She listens to Maruko's notions and remarks seriously.

24 83

Hanawa kun: Don't forget to wear mask when you go out, baby♡

25 68

It is Kakie's birthday today🎂

Kakie is a girlfriend of Noguchi san's big brother, Fujio.

12 34

How about writing a letter to your bestie to stay home?💌

27 90

It is Jogasaki san's birthday today🎂

Jyogasaki san is a pretty and mature girl. She comes from a rich family (Less Hanawa kun though). She gets along with Maruko and Tama chan but hates Nagasawa.

23 59

I am trying the Amabie is one of Japanese yokai. Go away, viruses!

17 57

It is my sis, Sakiko's birthday today🎂

Sis is very calm and helpful girl. She is sometimes astounded by Maruko when she is cheeky or does not behave, but most of time, she gets along with Maruko.

26 73

Congratulations on your graduations🌸 All the memories with you all will last forever✨


25 68

The cherry blossoms 🌸are gonna be bloom soon?😌

24 59

I am helping food preparation for new year🥘

26 72

I wanna hibernation like bear🐻💤

24 41

We are testing our courage though.. It's really scary...👻

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