If we get Clayface in one of the future The Batman movies, Alan Tudyk should just play his original form and voice his Clay form. And then get random celebrities to play his disguises.

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For Clayface you have 3 to pick from.

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The fabulous actor without Oscar, loyal friend, and a character that can transform into anybody or anything - Clayface aka Basil Karlo. DC Comics cursor with Clayface.

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Clayface should be next. Batman and horror mix very well.

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Don't forget in 2004 when Joker psychologically tortured Bruce's longtime friend, Ethan Bennett, and had him inhale Joker's formula that turned him into the Clayface, forever ruining his life and his relationship with Bruce Wayne and Ethan's partner dective, Ellen Yin.

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A couple of years ago I drew this.

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jack black voice: aaaand... alright Clayface and that's it.

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This Clayface is severely underrated.

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Depends which Clayface.

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The Batman cartoon is amazing, tho I can't help but be sad it never allowed itself to explore plot points beyond single or two-part episodes.

The episodic nature really hindered a lot of genuinely amazing stories. Like Clayface, the BatCat romance, and more.

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Ryan Wilder / Batwoman by Kim Jacinto.

God this hits, and so happy they’re using the opportunity to tackle characters that a TV budget might not be able to do justice; i.e., Clayface. Can’t wait until April.

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Copped this duder at GameStop and thought about giving him the clayface treatment. Here's the concept for what I'm gonna do; of course give him a new face, but also attempt to make new clothing for him including an eyepatch, some slops, and maybe (not shown) a hook hand

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It surprisingly wasn't lost when helping Clayface in the Tec run, and it's there during B&O with Shiva (to a degree). But I'd love this mutual understanding between the two to stick. Because it opens up more possibilities and fun moments.

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