Name: Nami Mizu (leader of the Beast Clan)
Species: Half-bunny
Tyjin: Sculpt, with her right hand she can turn solids into liquids, liquids into solids and manipulate them (can only create simple structures)
Age: 37
Height: 5'6

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[Komi's daughter]
Name: Kara Haganezka
Tyjin: Bright-Side, with a touch she can make anyone joyful
age: 8
Height: 3'2

9 83

Name: Mira Tsuangie
Species: half-Red Panda
Tyjin: clairvoyance-she can look 5 seconds into the future, but she has to wait for that time to pass in order for her to use it again
Age: 24
Height: 6 foot

7 72

[New OC]
Name: Tsumi Taisho
Species: Human
Tyjin: None, she fights using the Taisho Gijutsu Marshal Arts taught by her parents
Height: 6'4
Age: 44

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Tittle: Xomi [zo-me]
Domain: The Void
Age: s̴̜͔̓̃͂͋̈͌͝͠͝ͅd̸͔͓̳͈̽̿͑͝j̴̡̨̩͍̟͈̠̄̓̽̿̽̆̈́̈́̈̚͠
Real name: s̴̜͔̓̃͂͋̈͌͝͠͝ͅd̸͔͓̳͈̽̿͑͝j̴̡̨̩͍̟͈̠̣̗̥̪̄̓̽̿̽̆̈́̈́̈̚͠k̴̺̦͑̊̑̀h̶̡͉̻̿̈́̄̈̋̽̉̈́͛͘
Tyjin: s̴̜͔̓̃͂͋̈͌͝͠͝ͅd̸͔͓̳͈̽̿͑͝j̴̡̨̩͍̟͈̠̣̗̥̪̄̓̽̿̽̆̈́̈́̈̚͠k̴͑̊̑
Height: 8 feet

12 88

Name: Momo
species: Kojin
Technique: Black-Hole, she can use the power of a black hole to capture/release anything and use for transportation
Age: 24
Height: 4'3

11 65

Future Komi Haganezka
age: 33 (now has mom bod)
Height: 6'3 (was 6'5)
Mother to Kara Haganezka

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Name: Kira Kaze
Tyjin: Shift-for as long as he wants he can remove himself from existence, in turn any witness will forget any action he has preformed. But in this state he can only use sense of hearing
Age; 57

0 17

name: Komi Kamui (Hero Name): Kon
Species: half-fox
Tyjin: Godai, she can use the elements Earth, Fire, Ocean, Thunder, and Spirit, core elements Heaven and Darkness [more info below]
Height: 6'5
Age: 23

7 44

Name: Tanuki Hachūrui
Species: half-dragon
Technique: faze, she can pass through anything like a ghost (except liquids/water)

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Name: Pon Poko
Species: Half-Raccoon (Gomi Bako's sister)
Tyjin: Soft-Speech, by talking to someone they can make them fall asleep, but her movants turn slugish as a result
Height: 4'4

6 52

Name: Gomibako
Species: half-raccoon
Tyjin: Raccoon, she can do anything a raccoon can, this includes-strong sense of smell, climbing with ease, incredible sense of sight, and she can slip through very tight places, she's also very quick!
Age: 25
Height: 4'3

9 77

Name: Tsuyomi (Hero name): Omni Tiger
species: half-White Tiger
Tyjin: Tiger Claw-any damage taken is lessoned but she can punch back with double the power she was hit with [if damaged enough she can use Safire-Tiger Rampage]
Age: 28
Height: 7'1

7 37