Más Fakemon,..
Esta vez una forma convergente de Morelull y Shiinotic, Morelmone y Reefnotic 🪸👍


3 12

Some more convergent mon! Meet Daribbita and Daribbiton! A ground and ground/fighting type based on bullfrogs and mud wrestlers!

437 3091

Starting a small series of convergent Pokémon??? Meet Bonfly and Entowoodo! A pure bug type that carries on its mimicry of plants!

840 6196


[Finish Convergent]

The shark pokemon

Dark/Water type

Height: 1.5m Weight:70kg Male: 50% Female: 50%

Evolution: Selazen (Lv 36 alone in party) >> Sharkafin

16 74

Likewise I have to assume that we'll be seeing more of the bizarre convergent species, which *also* only came in two flavors.

It seems so odd to introduce such a fun new subset of Pokemon, but then only explore it through the (spectacularly goofy) Wiglett and Toedscool lines.

0 2

Convergent form

Gimmicocou Fairy

**Candy Shard (Fairy/Physical)
-Power:40 – Ac:100 – -PP: 10
Priority move +1.

1186 7803

They have convergently evolved in 5E

0 1

convergent bramblin/brambleghast based on sea spiders

494 3142

- Grubbat

[Zubat Convergent Form]

Bug / Flying type

The flying larva pokemon

Height: 0.7m Weight: 10kg Male:50% Female:50%

Evolution: Grubbat (lv 25 )> ?? >??


134 939

Convergent/Regional/Counterpart Victini based on bittersweet nightshade and Nemesis (not RE). It is Psychic/Poison (or Psychic/Dark and can learn poison moves)

3 8

Thinking about variants vs convergents, given the current examples the Galarian legendary birds would not fall under convergent since they're still birds and not an entirely different species, so I tried making more convergent-ish ones based on the idea in the 1st pic

662 3776

Tested the borders of how far I could go with convergent species. Tried the Numel line and the Copperajah line with conv. Numel being more obvious and conv. Cufant being more abstract. How do you like them?

186 1381

Worm diglett!

Its a convergent mon of diglett but i dont know a good name.

2 5

The Roserade x Dolliv (cause I guess it is that) looks similar to my prediction on Smoliv's evo ... which obviously ended up being wrong. But I love my Boilbarder (or Bomberade, if I wanna make it a convergent of Roserade, for some reasons) !

0 7

Convergent species Pokémon in Camoto

Sapple, the Tremor

If something it seems as an enemy approaches it would violently shake causing small tremors and spreading pollen warning others to go back under, and spreading seeds to the ecosystem

25 292

Illuminitan, a convergent species with Darmanitan!
It's Fairy/Electric! 🎊

1 6

The sharpshooter of the Zenya Region's deserts, Silauncher and Scorizter sift through the sands around them to collect any trace metals they can find to keep their shells intact. Convergent species based on scorpions.

1 8

Oh i love the idea of convergent species as well. Definitely digging into concepts of those over the next year

15 83

As of SV, these are all the remaining Gen 1 non-Legendary species lines with no additional pre-evolutions, evolutions, new typings, regional forms, convergent counterparts, Mega Evolutions, Gigantamax or Paradox forms from later Gens.

They are all already perfect.

931 11002

Convergent species: Marblemite,Miçangneton and Vengnezone

All based on things from my childhood,such as marbles, bead bracelets and vending machines

485 2744