Wednesday Warfare: It's time for Clash of the Court! This week, a once powerful queen fights against the Queen of the Underworld!

Will the Daughter of Dust rise above her own mother? Cast your votes in the comments below.


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Ellianastis was not created, she was found on the horizon of the Underworld, staring from within the Realm of True Spirit.


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The Alltaker seeks strong spirits, for each new mourner brings us closer to rebellion.

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The Queen trusts Exraille’s Wisdom, for he is older than The Underworld itself.

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What use is the voice of a harpy, but wash for my blade?

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I am no more agent of destruction than you, Shard. Pray, instead, that we may build anew through unity.


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I would die for my cause and my kin, yet I live for my hope for peace.

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Pleasure and power, persistence and pain, we live in a world where we must fight to gain.

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Where next I point, my legions will destroy. Where next I stand, we will conquer.

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Wednesday Warfare: It's time for Clash of the Court! This week, the Valkyrie of the Dead pits her bloodied angelic sword against the ancient Faith Bearer blade.

Who will cement their ultimate strength and unwavering loyalty for The Alltaker’s rebellion?

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From the deepest chambers of Voxxingard, The Council of Osteomancy imposes order on the Underworld.

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The path you walk is only as steady as your grip. Proceed with care, lest you lose more than just your sword.


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’Tis bittersweet, yet such a treat, that you mourners have arrived. There’s much to learn and much to see in Illverness. Come inside!!!


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Only together will we climb the insurmountable. Only together will we RISE.


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Let us not forget our insidious oppressors… be it Baelrievers, Angels, Demons, or even ourselves…

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No mortal had ever passed through the Veil of Shadows before… but Shard had never tried until now.

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Arena of Spirit: A battle of brawn is nothing next to a battle of mind.

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To topple the Corrupt Celestial rule is not to find balance, but it’s a worthy beginning.

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