Have you gone too far with crazy induced ideas? Some people have. It's all the we have at our fingertips. Everyone wants to be a How many do we really need?

0 0

„Strengere Corona-Maßnahmen:
Harter Lockdown ab Mittwoch“

1 4

It really nice that are sticking together during the The time you get to spend with them is priceless. https://t.co/w16913N0Lk

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Problemas de ser Covidiota (persona que tiene que trabajar e ir en transporte publico)
Tengan cuidado con lo que tocan


18 300

I'm so sorry Aki. I just found out that my Uncle has it too. Fuck COVIDiots.

0 0

I planned to paint something against these self-called "freedom-fighters" who're acting like we're living in a dictatorship just because of wearing a mask. But why wasting time & energy for pathetic people thinking they're heroes, when there're real ones? :)

3 10

Das einzige Argument, warum man Schulen nicht in den Lockdown schicken sollte. Bildung, so wichtig.

23 256

Vereinbarungen mit EU für 570 Millionen Corona-Impfdosen“

1 10

Stronger actions need to be taken to keep at home. I'm very pessimistic about Xmas &New Year 🙄😑 Any ideas & ?

3 10

Duele en el alma el esfuerzo de muchos y la poca empatía y compromiso de otros

292 1019

「Covidiot」の日本語訳は「コロナ脳」だね。 https://t.co/fTbFpXJ86q

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