Sketching and watching the rerun. Heard there was gonna be some more beauyasha and I’m here for it

34 125

Kleb Vidogest

Yes. Life. I hate it.

Kinda spoiler-y but tbh my drawing is so bad that I don't think it matters.

Anyways- Here's something that I hate but I couldn't make myself do anything else

3 22

those hands sure can heal 😳
valentines day event piece, as requested by !

116 425

You've found your strength, Yasha.
Now, you must learn to /use/ it.

12 46

More Yasha WIP. I ended up not feeling like the pose or clothing was right for her, so I've changed them around.

1 10

- You see this distant star that twinkles, and when it does, you feel a sense of safety and familiarity -

155 602

Finally got around to draw this scene... it was such an adorable thing from Yasha, and i love how their relationship is developing 🥰🥰🥰

5 23

Jester Lavorre ✨

The last few episodes have been insANE. I totally don't have a bias as to who I like to draw wdym-

Well time to disappear into the aether again- See ya! :)

P.S. I hate how twitter crops :/

5 24

Little progress shots from designing my Jester rig artwork, done in Photoshop!

2 7

I just hope Yasha is having a good day today 💕
my first ever comic , I’m super proud!

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Jester Lavorre and pastries. I finally went back and finished.

2 13