Dah lama ga CTIYSan, senang bisa garap sebiji. https://t.co/gWNlmsKzon

2 10

Ikutan -nya Fane 💕, congratulations for 700+ moots ✨✨ suka banget aku tuh ama lineart-nya 😭 https://t.co/OS2xJUp64E

1 3

ଘ Ctiys ଓ

Pov: lululala, ye're in love after the rain 🌧️ https://t.co/b0Qqvva7Hm

7 27

Ikutan kak Verra, ya walau ga jago jago amat ga papa yang penting saya senang. Btw lineart nya bagus bgt kak hehe

1 4

I love doing dtiys!
Jin and his son RJ are enjoying a break after lunch!
The original fanart is cute too!

7 12

Wiuiwuiwu ikutan nya kak fane nii😎, congratulations for 700+ moots and ak suka banget lineart nyaaaaa😆💗 https://t.co/LbiOC48zSB

3 5

Ikut nya faneee
Lineart nya bagus banget asksk 😩
I hope you like it! 💕 And congrats!! 💖 https://t.co/EWkxdfI8MK

5 10

Ikut nya 😆👐 Selalu suka sama gambarnya fane, walaupun lineartnya doang juga udh bagus.

Sekali lagi congrats yaw https://t.co/GGp32bY9iv

1 9

Ikuut nya lineart nya cantik bgt 👏 ndak perlu diwarnain juga udah cantik 😭

Sekali lagi Congrats untuk 700+ moots nya~ https://t.co/LdZaGuLOWr

1 4

Mewarnai lagi >< layer multiply sangat membantu aaak

ini lineart punya 💕

tbh aq gatau ini gambar siapa tp aq jadiin kenmeng timeskip era sj 💖💖💖👍🏻✨

Before After

3 8

Not exactly CTIYS, but... yay, more coloring! https://t.co/wvYoyQyOC5

6 20

Congrats for 500 moots! I cant stop myself to join this one also, I learn a lot from coloring your ctiys I cant have enough! https://t.co/gLfCWnwmXs

6 22

My first CTIYS using painting style (since my previous ones using cellshading). I just thought cellshading cant do this one justice and I can say I pretty satisfied with the result. Thank you very much for the pretty lineart, I really, really enjoy coloring it! https://t.co/sD9JmMMoPd

5 15

Happy 300 moots , thank u for hosting CTIYS. Dengan ini saya tahu bahwa coloring aku perlu belajar lg (ʘ‿ʘ✿)... https://t.co/blpkm5Y0Dh

0 4

Exercice super cool, merci pour ce magnifique Line et ce 😍🍓
Gg pour les 5k tu mérites, ton travail est insane!

J’ai tenté de le faire avec des brush texturé pour découvrir, et j’aime beaucoup le résultat 🥰 https://t.co/KxyP0muMJ9

3 11

J’ai beaucoup aimé ce petit exercice hihi 💕 Merci et bravo pour les 5k 💪🏻

3 35

Joining ctiys 😆💕
Semoga suka ଘ(੭ ᐛ )♡

6 17