Day 13 (!) and 9th game day! AKA where fan hits the shit.
This particular day is referred to in the game's code as "Gaby Bomb"

51 354

Day ?? I lost track
main game (day 7 & 8)
Has anyone tried adding Va-11 Hall-A to the Zaibatsu wiki? 🙃

0 3


254 675


264 731

"What's your policy on wearing pants?"

Ah, sir. we had "NO PANTS = SERVICE" policy back in prototype days.

55 258


105 278

Day 5 is Anna time! You can play the Anna demo through the + symbol on the title screen. This is a direct unchanged port of the demo we showcased in events.
There was also an earlier version without Nacho and featuring a younger Anna.

62 381

This is the drawing I did for nocheztli, winner of my monthly subscribers raffle <3, she asked me to draw Jill from Va11haHallA and I had so much fun with this! Also, it helped me to see how much I’ve improved all my way as an artist <3 hope yoi like it

158 659

31/12/207X(本編最終日)出勤19日目 たとえばハグなんかどうだ?とびきりのやつだ。

318 789

30/12/207X(本編)出勤18日目 ワイ談しようぜ!

212 558

28/12/207X (本編)出勤16日目 ジェイミーのとはちょっと違うようだな。

65 199

22/12/207X (本編)出勤10日目 カップル?どういうこと?

81 281

rkgk // though this is late ww (also wtf am i doing to my wife)

26 124

21/12/207X (本編)出勤9日目 あの子がちゃんと帰れるように送ってくる。チーフはその間…

105 302

20/12/207X (本編)出勤8日目 無理はしない方がいいよ、セイ。

161 400

17/12/207X (本編)出勤5日目 メチャクチャにハックして!

222 569

16/12/207X (本編)4日目 その子は起きてるより寝てる方がマシなので(率直)

134 401