pff I don't really know why I doodled these 2 but as I am gonna doodle probably a few comics I guess I can always use it as some kind of .... context?

6 41

After that raining night scene.
But not included in my main story.😉

170 580

Hank’s WTF face at this scene was priceless; but I really needed him to hug and comfort Connor. Like it’s the first time the poor thing has experienced fear.
And he was looking at Hank in a way like he was asking him for help.

14 73

I don't know .. I was just .. sketching ..

I'm sorry Conner I ruined your face

0 1

Я короче перкзалью это сюда и будь что будет💦

104 510

Тема с фиолетовым диодом к которой я еще вернусь..

22 176

Ok so this was supposed to be a quick doodle before sleeping, it was quick, but now I have a head ache and do I regret this? No 😂😂😂 head ache still hurts tho ( 1:42 am )

0 5


3 19


7 44

Je fais des tests de couleur sur ... Je galère encore un peu XD mais je commence à trouver la technique.
Du coup j'ai fais un Reborn (#Greenmechanic) en mode Androïde de huhu : DDD

8 99