LRT inspired me to go digging, and when I search for my enneagram type, 7w6, I get several characters people will say are like me (Miku mainly being based off her project diva appreances)

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Archaeologists are essential to an excavation site for sure. Anthropologists, zoologists, botanists, and architects are needed too.

But it is the many local workmen doing the actual digging, who keep the whole thing running.

Here‘s to them. ✊

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Did some digging, found some of my early size bait things that are not 50ft woman or Giganta, anyone in remember these?

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Also after doing some digging, I realized he was actually a designer on a lot of movies doing backgrounds and vehicles on Tron and Bladerunner, not the 'creator' per se, but that doesn't take away from JUST how influential this dude was for all things sci fi and cyberpunk, dang.

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Really had to do some digging, I wasn't sure which one of my old sonas I was using around '09-'10 - so have both of them just in case. :'D Meto the Ens Tempus & Kohva the Sparkle Skunk!
(Kekdoggo in the third picture isn't active anymore, tho)

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akjekskes took some digging, but this was my very first digital art!!

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Alternative Palette I´m really digging, suggested by my homeboy

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Two Women Talking to Each Other While Digging, 1885

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Peffer. Interests: Digging, playing in dirt. Commission!

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I believe they would be adapted for digging, like mole feet.

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Yes well, after some digging, I found this. Apparently I drew this year's ago, in ms paint, with a mouse. So I guess technically, this was my first digital piece ever.

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After some more digging, I overlooked my Nvidia 3d Settings.
Appears it was set to something whack that I forgot.
Switched it to the balanced setting and now im getting over 90% usage in GTAV.

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Finalized design for my grave cleric (with his ceremonial and "field" outift) His work does involve some literal grave digging, so he can't be wearing his pristine white cassock and gold loafers

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Gopher Tortoise - Continuing the FL animal series.

I get a silly thrill when we find a Gopher Tortoise burrow mound. Why does something so large & slow, with seemlingly useless appendages for digging, want to live underground? Still love 'em.

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Not sure whether to call this "Scarbles - Then and Now" or
"A G̵r̵e̵m̵l̵i̵n̵'̵s̵ Goblin's Guide to Lying on Your Resume".
Either way, if you need bar serving AND tunnel digging, get yourself a goblin that can do both!

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When you decide to give the buns some new toys to keep them entertained and stop digging, but see dirt flying through the air just 5 minutes later

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