WeeFee and LENS showing Ace Awareness.

WeeFee and LENS are mortal frenemies.

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I forgot to add the chip over her brow. I like the name ' claire'. The meaning describes her pesonality. Time for a poll to name this glitchy digidevil.

1 13

In process of a female digidevil. But, I have no name. I could describe her quirks before I upload the sketch. Her heartware is: Nintendo cartridge

- If caked in dust her body glitch constantly
- Overheats very easily and will lock up (statue)
- Small memory (forgetful)

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Ok , here I have another digidevil oc , he's name is techno quantity and he's Zero's father , he's 19 years older than zero

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Shiba Fact: Raw or cooked. She loves meat. Whenever her heartware goes off, she is hungry. Just like any tamagotchi.

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Say hi to Leslie and Dakota, hope you guys like their designs, had alot of fun making them🙏🏾💖 (I'll drop facts about the duo later uwu)

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LENS Fact: LENS favorite fruit is pineapple. He will eat it like a apple. Any food or drink that has pineapple on it, he will eat/drink it.

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It is finally completed. His name is Wara. Nice to meet ya! (The third and fourth pictures are bonus)

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'' Don't Question It ''

Best not to question these siblings.

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Ok here I have a redraw of my first Digidevils , before my digidevils were practically "copies" of agoti and I simply changed the color of their faces and other things so I modified some things and these were the results

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WeeFee Fact: He may look fine but he intends to space out alot. His attention span is low and his antenna would twitch whenever he zone out. It happens at random. He would snap out of it if someone yells at him.

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'' Lovely Evening ''

A lovely evening for the siblings to spend time together. Shiba loving nature while WeeFee just hates being far away from the city.

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'' Sister Goofball, Brother Serious''

Shiba is not the type to be serious about anything. But WeeFee is always serious about everything.

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