No Nut Dismember was rougher on some more than others. “Bonus action: Do what must be done”

(Gaius Agni)
(Isqan Citlalee)

14 126


Faz parte de um grupo de assassinos e era uma cobaia para testes de mutação genética quando vivia no orfanato (que era a base de teste etc)
Nome "Toddy" vem do nome de cobaia dele q era T.O.D - 2210 (Transmutation Operation Dismemberment )

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Me when I pick one of my chads to be instantly dismembered by a hot (heavily implied to be lesbian) woman in the toplane that sets me behind and we gotta FF at 20. These are some of said lesbians that kill gigachads:

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CW: candy gore / unsettling anatomy / cartoon dismemberment + decapitation
Started as a fun doodle to work out Mollie's weird magical body anatomy. Lmao.

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headcanon!! Scara is a masochist, and Dottore is a sadist who dismembers him and then repairs his doll again

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Vira sings to herself as cuts long strips off a dismembered torso, laying them out in the sun to make jerky

🎶”Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song, sounds like she's singing
Ooh, ooh, ooh”🎶

In spite of her frightening appearance her voice is warm and soulful.

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Let our love be a flame not an ember
Say it's me that you want to dismember
Blacken my eye set fire to my tie
As we dance to The Masochism Tango

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// blood , dismemberment , melty eyes???

Took me a day and a whole set it off album but I did it!

1 10

and this bastard is almost done getting fucking dismembered

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I open 5 slots for clothing references! Rt pls💛
- 50$
- not dismemberment, blood, mechanisms
- armor/complex outfit + 10$
- full prepayment
- line and color
- deadline: 2 weeks to 3 month
- references only
- boosty via paypal (USD)

7 6

I also also also watched The Simpsons season 7!! been watching thru the entire series for a while since it's all on dismey blus now (only saw the modern episodes on tv as a kid and never the older ones), and i think this and season 6 have been the funniest ones so far!!

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Per l'agenda de maig: tornem amb l'expo de caricatures "Apa i la gran guerra", acompanyada de xerrades sobre humor gràfic, periodisme i guerres amb i Xavi Giró. A de Vallcarca.

11 16

Let our love be a flame, not an ember
Say it's me that you want to dismember🔪🔪🔪

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matka eṣentu, the bone goddess and matka batāqu the goddess of dismemberment. according to legend in the high northern covens of vykcera, eṣentu and batāqu are lovers and every spring batāqu flays eṣentu, severs her arms and legs to sharpen

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- why dismember, Nadezhda Vladimirovna?????
- just kidding. David will do it

4 24

david, kill him
iosif,dismember him

9 41

dismembered for spell crimes

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Here's just a few of my favorite albums! They are:
Emergency and I - The Dismemberment Plan

Realign - Red Vox

Yumeno Garden - Last Dinosaurs

What are some of yours?

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