
Fix ein neues Bild fürs Layout gebastelt bzw. Das Bild angepasst. Bogen und ne Frise wie die Lara aus dem Tomb Raider Reboot.

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Day 258 - Tree near the walled garden.

Watercolour and pen.

Feeling a distinct lack of inspiration today for the last image on the page, not helped by the fact that I can’t find my glasses, (no they’re not on my head).

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Day 251 - Glengarrisdale bothy.

A lot has happened since asking permission from to use his wonderful photo.
I think Queen Elizabeth II would approve of this Scottish mountain scene and also the spirit in which Nick has taken on his adventure.

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Mehr geht heute nicht. Eventuell änder ich das auch noch mal.

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Day 246 - Brooding clouds.

Watercolour sketch.

Apologies for all of the Essex fields shots this week. They’re just too attention grabbing to bypass. The landscape around here changes from green to yellow to brown in quick succession. Enjoying these golden days.

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Day 243 - Honeysuckle berries.


Which means today’s painting brings August to a close. What a colourful month! Thanks for the likes, comments and rts - it’s been a lot of fun!

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Mehrere Versuche um heute irgendwas zu haben, aber am Ende doch nur der Start eines Remakes vom letzten Jahr. Morgen gehts weiter.

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He just did beat the devil out of the brush and now he enjoys all the little accidents he framed into the canvas.

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