Three of my beautiful waifus ❤ Very close to having my fifth! Let's go~!

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Stay with me...
まだ忘れず 大事にしていた

【Invite ID】945105569145

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Wood Nymph Amane loves to lay in the flowers and watch the clouds go by 🧚‍♀️

【Invite ID】945105569145

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Blue Eyes White Dragon taking a nice, warm bath in the hot spring 💙

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I guess Junko and I had the same idea 😊😅🥰 Confession time!

【Invite ID】945105569145

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Junko performing the dance to summon her fox familiars 🦊

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Blue Eyes White Dragon, police officer in training 🚓

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Red Eyes Black Dragon, putting on some makeup before going out to the bars for some drinks and fun 😈💋

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Taking the train with Amane to watch a movie then have dinner in the city. It's gunna be a fun date-night ❤

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Hiya, Miss Feline, you're lookin' paw-fully cute! Huh? You want me to join you for a cat nap? Sounds purr-fect... Oh no! I forgot my jammies. What a cat-astrophe! It's the Final Fever of A Fortune Slip Romance Event!

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"You dare walk through MY enchanted forest so casually?! Think again."

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Minori and I, going for a swim in our rooftop pool ✌🏽 We love summertime ❤

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Another summer look for 💛🦆 We're having barbecue!
Rec'd by April, DGF ID: YRDQ5LA3

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Time to relax and unwind in my comfy coffin with all my cuddle buddies ⚰💕

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