Hmm I think it’s no longer too early to buy Christmas cards - I’ve got lots of themed cards on Redbubble!

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It’s celebrating !Fruit flies are an amazing model system that have led to many crucial discoveries in fundamental biology. Check out some of our

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Sicierto banda me vicie con komi san ;w; pero esta desmadroso. Satirisar un transtorno por mas cruel que suene puede ser divertido y hasta relajante y empatico para quienes la tenemos.
Y aqui estoy yo con mi leal combusken lptmd

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Genuinely far too early for Christmas, but I just thought I’d say, you can get themed Christmas cards from my Redbubble page for all your loving pals!

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Dia 30. Tsukiyo

Ele é irmão mais novo do Hakuo, era um betta de porte maior, muito mais agitado, e era bem interativo com a gente. Sempre fazia ninho de bolhas pronto pra casar, se mostrava valentão, mas na verdade era bem medroso.

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CONGRTAS ON THE 3.7K MATE DESERVEDDDDDDD ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ eueueueueue

@/ForgottenEuca @/xianta_ @/ulfvaee @/ambi_vee @/GremlinAndres @/miyfle @/soroxen @/xeniiQU @/AndroSondra @/natakoyaki @/trasshbag_ @/introboymeets

im too intimidated to tag them lmao

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Day 13: A to grow under
How do flies help us understand
During development cells have to produce other cells, they have to move, change shape, and commit to new functions. (1/4)

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~A Flecha e O Medroso~
é a primeira vez q eu faço algo assim e eu tó muito feliz com o resultado veii!!
🔁+💚= um artista muito feliz

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Oh guys, since it’s nearly I thought I’d mention I’ve got themed Halloween cards available on Redbubble- niche I know, but are cool right?

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Day2.The of armor of the its exoskeleton.
After the adult leaves the puparium, the exoskeleton is soft, wings are folded and the head all blown up. Later, wings will unfold and the exoskeleton will harden.

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Prompt: winged

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When a larvae gets hurt (e.g. when falling from their little Crystal cells travel to the and help to plug it and form a scab. They get their name from the tiny dark crystals inside them.

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To com internet de novooo
Pokémon que eu acho que combinam
Rubens: porygon2, pichu, wimpod(por ser um pouco medroso, alakazan e um lucario do johnny
Carina: murckrow, pyroar, greninja, weavile e zorua

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Doug é tímido e medroso, mas com um coração enorme. Ele não gosta de se meter em enrascadas, mas é um amigo muito fiel.

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(Começar a fazer dex pros fakemon tudo !!ALERTA ERROS DE CONCORDÂNCIA!!)

PINILLO(grass) - o pokemon tatu pinha.
A folhagem em suas costas é rígida e resistente. Muito medroso, ao se sentir ameaçado envolve seu corpo e se camufla em meio a arbustos.

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Rubens Naluti

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Rubens. Fanart. Medroso.

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