u know what, idc (ididthisinahurryplsdontkillme)

0 1


79 497

The Queen-Hunter Sharuru and The Hunted Arisu in 'The Vampire Tea Party'.
Queen Charls: "Off with their heads!"
Arisu: "-_-..." 🤦🏻‍♀️
Sorry! I know, I have a bad sense of humor 😅

This Halloween 👻🎃 https://t.co/iPmwpSDiNo

7 60

Foundthis sketch frimnhalf an eternity ago

0 4

@/_badfaith @/(bitch dont got a twitter), @/bloodthistle

1 3


5 20

Thank you for your recommendation of My First Day. Read it to 3rd & 4th graders. One student whose family came from Vietnam was so excited after listening to it…

4 19


0 11

:pretendthisisadeviemote: is now a real

1 12


0 9

Did a thing for because it's
justbullshittedthisinlike3hours dsjkhsdghkj

127 539