Spectral Dupe Dragon "Яeverse" enters the fray. Ok i need to stop... this is getting out of hand...

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just noticed i draw dupe's jowls a lot more detailed now than i did in 2019!!! i should get back into the simple shapes lifestyle, it looks fun to draw!!! some great expressions came out of constructing their head like that

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Please dont dupe me rn this ismy last 3000

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I still only have 2 emotes on my Twitch so far. I'm completely stumped for ideas for the rest. How am I supposed to dupe you all into subbing with just this? 😂

Need some more ideas...

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I really really really want majestic for Saucey so anybody that gets a dupe or prefers tho PETLING over unicorn LET ME KNOW !

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@/SqueakyShepard asked me to draw Dupe!

So uhh i did, it took a loooong while but hey im very proud of this!
Best drawing i've done so far i'd say!

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Yesterday was last day so I rolled more (6 headhunting tickets) in hopes for more Corroserum, got Sesa dupe instead LMAO 😂😂😂
So, gacha results addendum:
Sesa pot 5
Roberta pot 4
Pineconne max pot
46 rolls in total, no 6* at all...oh well, all I want is Corroserum anyway

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Got dupe Poseidon (needed that) and 90 shards of Kardia... I'm thinking of spending my remaining gems (I have 30) to get as much kardia shards as I can, then just sharding him up. Then seriously save for Manigoldo and the Gemini Twins of LC.

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Ight enough of me shitting on Dupe let’s talk about one of my favorite Ben 10 UA episodes

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That would be amazing to see! I would 100% whale to max dupe!

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Astesia dupe my guaranteed lol
In 28 rolls (1 free, 10 free, 9 headhunting tickets, thw rest orundums)...WELCOME HOME, CORROSERUM!! 2 OF HIM!!!
My job here is done- or not, gotta E2 him soon after I farm chips lol
I'm so sorry for forgetting, I'm confused and angry as well 😭😭😭

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There's also a CSP calligraphy pen that I really like and haven't been able to find a dupe for 💔
Looks like this

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I got a Blaze dupe 🥳🥳🥳

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And today! I was like ‘since Hiyori ain’t comin, why not do a couple more pulls on Ritsu’s banner?’ and after 6 full pulls and 10 solo’s later, Got both Chiaki and Ritsu’s featured OAO;; (also before them maxed out Natume’s initial and dupe feat makoto…)

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My 5* guaranteed gacha pull on Basic gave me a dupe Souma, and on Music, it gave me a new Eichi at the very least lol

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another old character again, nice
And I got dupe Fediel~

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SATYR~<3<3 not gonna complain about new character but oof 100 pulls on gala and only 1 character, 1 dupe summon and not a single gm 😩 the odds were not in my favor

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Bless you Ronan for the bg to dupe so gorgeous ;v; <3 <3

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