-1642: fallece el astrónomo
-1942: nace el físico teórico
-1947: nace el músico (autor de y mucho +)
-2022: se despliega por completo

Buena noche para mirar al cielo y hacerse grandes preguntas...

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Homenagem ao Cientista/Astrofisico e Pessoa
stephen hawking, um exemplo que devemos seguir!

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本日のブログは、#ホーキング博士 のご紹介や、エピソード・豆知識を書きました

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Currently busy with moving to a new place, so here’s a finalised version of Arthuri Hawke, my mage m!Hawke who’s gonna be in the FenHawke zine I’m participating in ✨

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Finished the fenhawke illustration ☀️

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fenhawke sketch for lucky-hexx (tmblr)
thank you so much for support ❤️

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Fenhawke scribble, as a treat

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7. Fav oc ship

Aside from anything fandom related like Shakarian or Fenhawke, my two big ships are between Harper and James, and Jenny and Hannah.

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I'm also trash.

See the difference with this OTP is the big one is goofy and the angry, white-haired one with body markings is small.

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Нарисовала аватарку в группу m!Hawke/Fenris

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I have the power to draw a tear stained Fenris and literally no one can stop meeeeee 😌

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