Touch elbows together?? OH! NOOO!!!


14 45

Reupload with the newest tag
Perhaps it'd come in handy someday🥹

It's an armband says "議長(gichou)" which means "Chairperson of the Council"

0 13

I missed the karaoke stream cuz I was going to the hospital, but I almost got admitted to the hospital again when I saw this scene 😇

Thank you bae, I’m glad you like it🥹Your voice and smile are the best medicine。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。めっちゃ可愛いです💗💗

1 11

I thought I wouldn't make it!

Bae Karaoke no Jutsu!

Stream speed art!

7 35


Omg I’m so happy🥹🥹Thank you for the laughs❤️‍🔥Although Brat no.1 is adopted, I hope you like him too ٩( ᐛ )و

0 32

This is your rat on too much Warpstone.

0 2

Bae what are you doing? BAE? PUT THOSE DOWN BAE

0 1

mumei fell on her first elytra flight so kaela came up to her and asked if she was okay......... i will cry kaela i love you

2 5

kaela enchanted and named the elytras aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
bae's actually cryihg hdssdhbfdsfsd

1 2

oh nyo, bae. why you do this, bae? you're worth more life, bae.

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r: you're literally- shoving your senpai into the corner..
m: it's okay. (shoves bae)
r: i feel bad- okay bae show your dominance above all rodents! it's your time to shine!!!!!!!!!!!

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